A review by liberrydude
Yonder Stands Your Orphan by Barry Hannah


The initial going was slow and you kept reading to see what craziness was about to ensue. I kept confusing many of the characters who had names beginning with M. Also, I should have made a flow chart of the strange and twisted relationships. What a collection of lost quirky souls! Funny, disturbing, and profound at times. I can see why Hannah is compared to Faulkner. If this were a movie it would be like Twin Peaks meets Deliverance. I wonder what the boys at Lynyrd Skynyrd would have to say to Hannah about his satire of Southern men and the world they inhabit? Will definitely read his short stories. He died last year and had a book published within the past month. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/26/books/review/Taylor-t.html?_r=1&ref=review