A review by susanthebookbag
Twelve Hours in Manhattan by Maan Gabriel


Maan Gabriel is a new-to-me author but when a chance to read her novel, Twelve Hours in Manhattan dropped in my inbox, I was intrigued. It sounded like a fun, light read—just what I needed after some of the heavier stories I've read lately. Well, it was fun and light as well as so, so good. Such a great story and such amazing characters.

Bianca and Eric meet just by chance and end up spending twelve hours together, getting to know each other and supporting each other in ways no one else had before. Sometimes it's easier to open up to strangers than to someone you are supposed to know very well. And then they go on their merry, or not-so-merry, way. No regrets, well maybe just a little regret, and no looking back.

But can they forget about those twelve hours? When and if they are thrown back together, will the chemistry they had be the same?

I totally loved the twelve hours that I spent with Bianca and Eric and was heartbroken when they went their separate ways. And then Bianca's life spins out of control. The author did a fantastic job of making me feel all of the feels and I was on an emotional roller-coaster ride right along with Bianca. I thoroughly enjoyed Twelve Hours in Manhattan and look forward to more stories by this author.