A review by jlynnelseauthor
Enduring Spirit: Stories by Patricia Flaherty Pagan


I received a review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influences my recommendations and comments below. Thank you to the author for this opportunity

These stories felt unfinished, the characters not quite solidified, the messages incomplete. I wanted to fall into the stories but was never quite pulled in. The author never really gets into the head of her characters with the exception of "Aftershock Angels." Since most experiences aren't internalized by the characters, they're missing that element which endures them to readers.

I believe these stories all have great potential, particularly "Puca Dawns" and "Sirens of Pedernales." Both live in a blend of the spiritual and real world, both have spine tingling moments, but both miss the mark just slightly. I think a lot more emotion could have been teased out of them and the supernatural elements could have been fascinatingly explored.

While entitled 'Enduring Spirit," most of the female characters don't portray this idealism. There's suicide, putting one's head down and accepting the lies, a girl who needs rescuing, and an elderly woman who's taken advantage of and never realizes it. I wanted more satisfaction from these stories and some internal change of these characters. Only "Kit-Cat Clock" gave us something of an awakening strength in the character.

The stories do leave me wanting more...more of them. These short stories feel like writing springboards more than anything. I feel as though there were beginnings or endings but not enough substance to make the moments memorable. I hope the author develops these snippets more in the future. They'd be great if further explored.