A review by onlyadream223
Doctor Heartbreaker by Kathryn M. Hearst


Doctor Heartbreaker is part of the Cocky Hero World and can be read out of order as they all stand-alone.
Doctor Heartbreaker by Katheryn M. Hearst is a second chance novel and so called me in like a siren song.
Rhett is many things, but what he has in looks is sorely lacking in his bed-side manner. Rhett is a cardiologist, with a long list of complaints from his patients about his lack of bedside manner.
As a result, he gets partnered with a woman from his past, a woman who's heart he broke years ago, his childhood sweetheart, Emily.
This book was sweet and heartbreaking, when children are involved it adds another level of feels. If you love second chance novels, you'll enjoy this one.