A review by shells
Extinction Point by Paul Antony Jones


I made the mistake of starting this book on my Kindle app on my phone at work. Holy shit! I couldn't stop reading! Even when I should have been working! I'm not yet finished, but I am devouring this book. I am loving the horror aspect; the gritty, grimy, gooshy, bloody details. I hope it doesn't let me down. (And I peeked ahead a bit and found out there's a dog involved later. I reallyreally hope nothing bad happens to the doggy.)

Finished today (10-19) and I loved every word of it. I read the entire thing during breaks/lunches at work and it warped my mind during the shift. I was right there with her from beginning to end. I'm excited for the next book and can't wait to read about her journey that lies ahead. If I remember correctly, the entire book spanned seven days, well, those were long days in the best way. I can't wait to find out how changes will further progress to the planet. And I love the dog. please Mr. Jones, don't pull a Stephen King (whom I love) and kill the dog.