A review by zoot
Burn It Down: Power, Complicity, and a Call for Change in Hollywood by Maureen Ryan


This is a really important book for anyone who has cared about all of the toxicity in Hollywood that they we get tastes of periodically from mainstream media. Mo Ryan has been writing about pop culture for decades and so she's heard it all at this point and has a lot of great insight. My only complaint about this book is that too much time was spent on SNL I understand it's importance in the industry, but I just felt like that one show got way more of the focus than it deserved, especially as someone who has never been a real fan of it to begin with.

On the other hand, I'm also very glad the book touched on the huge disservice the show The 100 did to one of my favorite characters/relationships. I always felt like I was alone in my anger in that one thing but it turns out I was not!

I learned a lot and walked away with a lot of names I'll avoid supporting with my dollars in the future, that's for sure.