A review by simranpradhan
Song of the Forever Rains by E.J. Mellow

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
DNF at 25% 

look I tried, okay? The writing is just not at all for me, and considering this is 400 PAGES LONG I can't do it. The plot doesn't progress, the banter between the sisters is just annoying as fck and Darius is just not an intriguing enough love interest. Larkyra (how is that even pronounced?) just feels so.. childish. There is nothing that makes me root for her, the author doesn't make a compelling case for well- anything. I couldn't care for the step dad who is a druggie or pity/praise Larkyra (it takes me so long to get it right jesus) for her powers, I don't care for any of it. 

The plot is so good, the worldbuilding too but it is not told well. At all. The author definitely has a lot of imagination but cannot execute it well. The dialogues are just so annoying like please shut the fck up, there is more talking than the actual plot. We get it, you are witty and funny but for real you are not.

Just not it for me at all.