A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
A Hex for Danger by Esme Addison


Summer has arrived in Bellamy Bay, North Carolina which means it is time for the annual Mermaid Festival. Alex Daniels has settled into town and at her job at Botanika. She is learning to use her gifts and loves spending time with her family. Alex is a member of the festival committee and is creating a special candle for the festival. They are having Neve Ryland create a mermaid mural which will be unveiled at the beginning of the festival. Neve has been spending time with Celeste’s beau, Jasper working on the museum exhibits. It has Celeste feeling insecure and shooting daggers at the beautiful artist. When Neve ends up dead, Celeste is at the top of the suspect list. Alex has no intention of letting her friend take the fall for the crime. Alex sets out find the guilty party with help from her aunt and cousins. A Hex for Danger by Esme Addison is the 2nd book in An Enchanted Bay Mystery series. It can be read as a standalone for those new to the series, but you will be missing out if you do not read A Spell for Trouble. A Hex for Danger is complex and beguiling paranormal cozy mystery. There are some great characters in this story that include Alex, Lidia, Minka, Kamila, Celeste, and Athena. Alex is settling into her new life and feels like she belongs in the charming small town. She enjoys spending time with her family and her boyfriend, Jack Frazier (the local police detective). The mystery is multifaceted, well-plotted, and intriguing. There are several good suspects in this whodunit. I had a good time solving the crime before the tension filled reveal. I like how the mystery ties back to ancient mythology and the Mermaid of Warsaw. I can tell the author did her research for this story. I did feel that A Hex for Danger is a slow starter as we are reintroduced to Alex, her family, the town, and their magical abilities. The pacing increases as you get further into the story. I thought the story was well-written with developed characters. I enjoy visiting Bellamy Bay with its unique residents. I like how the paranormal aspects are woven into the story. It is hard to resist a cozy mystery with magical mermaid descendants. I love the authors vivid descriptions which brings the story to life. We get to learn more about Alex’s maternal history which is fascinating. I am looking forward to the next tale in An Enchanted Bay Mystery series. A Hex for Danger is a spirited tale with mermaids, magic, mayhem, and murder.