A review by rlbasley
Orphan Girl: The Memoir of a Chicago Bag Lady by Jane Hertenstein, Marie James


Orphan Girl: the Memoir of a Chicago Bag Lady By Marie James as told to Jane Hertenstein
(Scribd) Marie James grew up in very difficult circumstances. In her life, she every type of domestic violence and repeatedly. She lost all six of her children to foster care, her mental health was shaken.. all things that turn many people into a nasty kind of person.
Marie wasn’t like that.All her life she looked out for others. This is a woman who would give her last dime literally to a person she felt needed it more, she even gave the shoes off her feet and the clothes of her back. She was dedicated to God and preached his goodness to anyone who could spare her a minute of their time. Even as a bag lady she regularly watched out for others in the community yet would accept no help for herself. She had an extraordinary life story to share just like so many others who find themselves at the bottom of society and I am grateful I was able to hear it. Her story is heartbreaking at times but her attitude and her faith is extraordinary.
Normally I’ll read two sentences into a faith story and toss it away but Marie’s unassuming nature and dedication was awe inspiring. .., even my fellow pagans might love this book.