A review by vivienned
The Lost Witch by Paige Crutcher


This story starts out in 1922, with a desperate Brigid who wanted nothing more than to be a mother. However, her Goddess doesn’t allow it because of Brigid’s role as a protector witch. So, in desperation she makes a deal with Luc, a Demi-god, who makes it happen. Time passes and her daughter falls ill. Brigid tries to save her and through her actions, is sent a hundred years into the future.

After the time jump, Brigid doesn’t remember many things and the story unfolds as we learn things along with Brigid to fill in her memory gaps. Luc is still around, and we have the addition of Finola & Ophelia. Fin is hilarious, and she runs a podcast with Ophelia. Those little snippets of their podcast are fun and break up the seriousness of the story a bit.

There were some repetitive moments, but I thought the writer uncovering things little by little was clever. I predicted a lot of the story, which may just be my love for folklore-type stories and this felt very much like a modern-folklore mix. Overall, an enjoyable read/listen. The narrator did a wonderful job setting the scenes and portraying the characters.