A review by megggriffin
Angel Vol. 1, Volume 1: Being Human by Bryan Edward Hill


Overall, I like this start to Angel. I wasn't sure what they were going to do with the books running concurrently with Buffy, as the show was about Angel separating from Buffy and taking on LA. But I like the intermingling of Angel's angst at his past with pushing forward.

I also like the characters currently introduced. We have Lilith who was not in the OG show, but I like the idea of Angel having someone with muscle backing him, especially someone who is still terrifying at the core. We also get Fred (YAY) and Gunn is following shortly behind. My Angel crew is coming, and I am happy about that.

What I didn't love was the demon in this story. I think it has a lot to do with the book I just finished and my just exhaustion at
allegories for how evil our phone is and demons being in the phone. Granted, Angel does this less so than the other book I read, but
I'm still hoping it doesn't stay so cliche.

Overall, I cannot wait to see where this is going next.