A review by indoorg1rl
Everything but the Truth by Gillian McAllister


Rachel accidentally saw an email on her boyfriend’s iPad in the middle of the night, and couldn’t get it out of her head. Even though she trusted him. And she was pregnant with their child. What was Jack hiding?

It’s always exciting to read a complete backlist of a well-known author and see how their writing has evolved over time. It was the case with this one. As Gillian’s debut, I could see the big potential.

The story itself wasn’t what I expected, just from the cover design and the synopsis, so I was disoriented for a bit at the start. But once I got into it, I quite enjoyed it. The ‘twist’ unfortunately wasn’t something that worked for me personally, but that could be just because I had a wilder imagination than what it was supposed to be!

The writing itself, of course, was quite solid. I’d recommend this book to any thriller beginner. I also listened to the audiobook, and the narration was well done I flew through it.