A review by mountie9
Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach by Mélanie Watt


Jake's Review: Everybody in my house loves Scaredy Squirrel and me and Scaredy have a lot in common that is why I love him so much. He actually is scared of WAY more things than me which makes me feel better. I like this one a lot because he is at the beach which is a place I like to go too. I really like the illustrations in this one because they are silly and funny. It is really easy to read -- I even think the midget might be able to recognize some words and he is really slow (Mom's Note: nice sibling love there people). I ask mom to buy these for me even though they are way below my reading level. I think I will try reading this to Jesse tonight, I think he will like the pictures. Plus maybe than Mom will let me play with her scaredy squirrel puppet -- she says she bought it for me but I really don't believe her.

Jake's Rating: 10/10

Mom's Review: Yes I must confess I bought the Scaredy puppet for myself, but I let the kids play with it so that makes me a good mom. This is another wonderful Scaredy Squirrel story with my favorite high maintenance rodent. Adults and children will both enjoy another day in the life of this adorable, quirky squirrel as he learns to live with his issues. The artwork is adorable with plenty to look at and something new to discover everytime. The storyline is sweet, honest and extremely helpful to kids who have some unusual issues (It helped Jake learn to laugh at his issues and find ways to work through them). This is one I highly recommend to parents of kids who have anxiety issues as these issues are dealt with in a sensitive yet funny way. I wish I could articulate how wonderful these books are. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of this -- not to mention all the rest of the series -- you will THANK me.

Mom's Rating: 10/10