A review by bookcheshirecat
This Is the Way the World Ends by Jen Wilde

challenging dark tense
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


“But when you spend every day being surrounded by people who have so much more than you, it’s easy to feel like you’re not good enough.”

Thank you to Netgalley and Wednesday Books for providing me with a digital copy in exchange for an honest review! The quotes are taken from the Arc and are subject to changes!

I loved our main character: Waverly. She’s only able to attend the prestigious Webber Academy because of a scholarship and the generous help of the founder. Waverly is determined to use her chance to get into a good college and become a doctor who helps anyone who needs care. She’s grown up with a chronically ill mother and in a loving, but poor family – some Waverly sees firsthand how the greed of corporations exploits and harms people like her. It was easy to emphasize with Waverly, as she’s trying to do her best to succeed, even when she’s surrounded by people who have more power and privilege than is good for them. She’s also autistic and a lesbian, so Waverly is aware how vicious society can be against her. When Caroline offers to switch with her, so she can attend the ball in her place, Waverly isn’t too sure about it. In the end, it’s her only chance to come, as she wasn’t formally invited!

The secondary cast is amazing as well! Waverly’s best friends at school are Pari and Frank, some of the only people who don’t come across as arrogant and elitist. Pari is from a wealthy family, but she’s not like the other rich kids and a good friend to Waverly. She’s chronically ill and uses a cane as a mobility aid. Frank is another scholarship kid and a real genius, but he’s also super caring and always there for his friend. An unlikely ally comes in the form of Caroline, the daughter of Webber’s closest associate. You might expect her to be the typical mean girl, but Caroline is a nice person who Waverly thinks might even become a friend. And then there’s Ashley … Webber’s daughter and Waverly’s secret girlfriend who left without a word and broke her heart. When she appears at the party, Waverly is determined to get some closure, even though her heart is still hung up on her …

"This is why I don’t let myself get my hopes up about things. It always ends in disappointment.”

The blend between Thriller and Apocalypse was amazing! Not only does the masquerade ball reveal sinister secrets about Webber Academy and its wealthy contributors, but there’s also a massive world-altering event! Not saying more because of spoilers, but there’s an apocalyptic atmosphere, as the world as we know it changes in an instant. There are also many great discussions about privilege, power and how the elites create a world that serves them and excludes everyone who is different. Waverly has first-hand experience with that as a lesbian, autistic teen whose family is barely scraping by. While the Academy serves her with opportunities she never could have gotten otherwise, she’s still an outsider and the elites will always protect their own power and preserve the skewed system because it serves them. I almost wish the book was longer/we had a sequel because I would love to see more of the fallout of the event that happens 👀

"The world isn’t ending with a bang or a whimper, but with the pop of champagne.”

IN CONCLUSION.This is the Way the World Ends is a fantastic blend between thriller, party and a truly apocalyptic event! The story was suspenseful and fast-paced from start to finish, so I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! I loved the main character Waverly and her friends, as they race to make it out of the masquerade ball alive! 

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