A review by adiscoveryoflit
Turtles All the Way Down by John Green


This book is amazing! I can’t believe how good it was as I’ve heard many people didn’t like John Green’s other books. I have actually never read a John Green book before, I tried to start paper towns when i wanted a short and quick read but i just couldn’t get into it, it seemed very bland and boring but with this book, the first sentence had me pulled in straight away.

The plot was brilliantly done. Ive already seen a few spoiler free reviews on the book before i picked it up so i knew that its main purpose is around ‘OCD’. I very much liked the idea of reading a book about a mental illness because I never had before, and it was really interesting but also educative for me as i’ve never known anyone to have OCD, so I didn’t know what it was like for someone to be living with it, and hearing Aza's story was so intriguing.
I also really enjoyed reading about the other characters, like her best friend and the rich boys and their billionaire father. I also enjoyed the mystery/thriller aspect, although it wasn't much of it in there, the little bits that were thrown in gave the story a bit more direction.
Green's writing style has me wanting to try more of his other book and read more of his writing. I don't know why I have never picked up 'The Fault In Our Stars' yet as that is his most popular, but believe me I will be soon. Overall this was a beautiful and intriguing read and I couldn't take my eyes from the pages (only when I had to).
I give "Turtles All The Way Down' 5\5 stars and I would recommend it to everyone.