A review by aligroen
Every Other Weekend by T.A. Moore


A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Review:

Rating: 4 stars out of 5

I really liked this story. Clayton has worked hard to get away from his past and lives his life for himself. Kelly has a large family who are always interfering and they don’t seem to have the right priorities. Nadine’s connection to Kelly was huge and it threw quite a curveball into the story.

Clayton thought he was a mess but, good lord, was Kelly’s family a mess, despite outward appearances. His mother never says anything bad about her kids and lives in rose colored glasses. I felt his pain when he tried to get through to her but she just didn’t see it and how she just ignored his problems or brushed over what was going on. I couldn’t believe how much of a psycho his brother ended up being. At least his father seems to come around at the end of the book.

I loved watching these two interact with each other and seeing both of their viewpoints was a big help to understand them. I loved that no matter how much Clayton said he wasn’t going to get attached that he kept coming back to Kelly and supporting him. I felt the most for Kelly with everything that was going on with his family, he had to be such a strong person. I loved that Kelly found the love he has been longing for and that Clayton found the family he never really had.

The cover art by Bree Archer is great and I love the visual of Clayton.