A review by libertyread
Wanted: An Honest Man by Cricket Rohman


In the book Wanted An Honest Man Lindsey Lark number one by cricket Ramen we of course meet Lindsay Lark a kindergarten teacher who after going home with the flu fines her husband Anthony in bed with another woman. Needless to say they separate because he is in love with Shawna a dancer at a nightclub called The Office and at first Lindsay is devastated. To make matters worse he even takes Wendle they’re great mastiff who Lindsay loves. So when she orders Chinese food and handsome college student Jake delivers it the teacher is surprised to see he has her dog with him. She finds out he is dog sitting for Shauna something that infuriates Lindsay. It isn’t long before her and Jake become friends but Jake has a secret. Soon however in the act of trying to get her self together her and her friend Laura take a vacation where she meets Emmett. He seems like such a proper gentleman after saving her and her best friend from dying in the snowy gorge but unfortunately like most men in Lindsey‘s life he two as a secret. Unfortunately for Lindsay it doesn’t seem like her year but things only get worse when she starts getting crank calls from a man she doesn’t know but seems to know her. Will Lindsay ever pull it together and be happy again will her life ever mirror the fairy tales she loves so much? Will she ever meet her prince charming or has she already met him? There’s so much more to the book, Wendle gets hit by a car Lindsay gets a pet bird Malcolm but will she ever get her Mr. right? Let me just say I read a lot of books sometimes more than two books a day and when I said this book was so good that I couldn’t put it down you can trust me. I have read some horrible books and some really great ones but I do think wanted an honest man is a book in a category all it’s own. I cannot wait to read the other books in this Siri‘s The characters in this book are wonderful… Well with the exception of Anthony, Emmett, Shawna and Sean but everyone else is awesome. Lindsay is so lovable in this book is a great one if you love romance with a little drama you will definitely love this book. I certainly did. Please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.