A review by magnetgrrl
The Midnight Hunt by L.L. Raand


I read this because I want there to be more lesbian werewolf novels, so first I decided to read what's out there - which is, not a lot.

This book was frustrating. Usually, I like the "we both want to but we can't!" kind of angst but, this was just annoying. The # of folks who are like "You need release! let someone help you! but stay away from X" or "I want what's best for you because we're pack but also let me stop you from doing anything good for you" - eh, I'm not describing this right, but basically the characters main arguments were just saying one thing and doing the opposite and fighting that out over and over and over again. Not super fun to read, because it didn't really make sense, so instead of feeling dramatic conflict or internal conflict in the characters you're just like "wait, what? you literally just said the opposite of that... huh?"
