A review by claudiearseneault
Extraction (A Tale of Rebellion, #1) by B.R. Sanders


It took me a long time to figure out how to review EXTRACTION. Part of this is ... I didn't get the book I expected. Extraction isn't an action-romp through enemy territory in which a small group of queer elves learn to tighten bonds. It IS a slow painful crawl through enemy territory and Bad Places in which their motives conflict, loyalties shift, relationship make and break, and the goal of their mission (and their chances of success) change with it.

The best way to approach this book is by expecting it to be deeply character driven. It still takes some time to really pick up, and the first could do a better job of grounding the setting and characters so you fall more easily into the tensions. That said, when it hit its strides (especially with Vathorem oh gosh) I just coudn't let go. It becomes gripping and fascinating, makes you root for everyone (or at least have some empathy for their plight), and it's a striking story.

Side note: this may not be the best place to pick up the Aerdh universe? I think ARIAH still has the most worldbuilding to get you into it, even though it's way later in the timeline.