A review by sonialusiveira
The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Sáenz


The Inexplicable Logic of My Life is a good book covering multiple themes; from friendship, to parents, death, survival, and self-discovery. Unfortunately, as a reader, I don’t feel very connected to the characters. The story also feels like it lacks a plot and read more as a fictional biography with pieces of thoughts and happenings here and there. The characters felt kinda flat except maybe Sally and Sam, but then Sally also keeps reminding me of Ari/ Dante; only difference is Sally’s not gay. The only ‘enjoyable’ character is Vicente. All in all, it is a nice read still because it touches upon important topics: lgbt, adopted family, race, loss, friendship and love between friends.

“Anger is an emotion. But there’s always something behind anger. Something stronger. You know what that is?”
“Is that a trick question?”
“It comes from fear, son. That’s where it comes from. All you have to do is figure out what you’re afraid of.”

“There was nothing wrong with getting angry. It was what you did with that anger that mattered.”