A review by yellauraya
Something Blue by Emily Giffin


4.00 STARS

As I've mentioned in my Something Borrowed review, though I wanted to root for Rachel and Dex's relationship, I just couldn't completely do it because of Darcy. I felt a bit sympathetic because she was cheated on by her fiancee and betrayed by her best friend. Though she has a fair share of blame, they all to blame actually, the relationship started with that sort of circumtance wasn't the kind I want to root for.

BUT, as I was reading Something Blue , the sympathy I have had for Darcy was just thrown out of the window. As I've said, all of them has a fair share of blame. All of those involved were not blameless. Rachel and Dex knew about that. Marcus somehow admitted that. But Darcy didn't. She shamelessly throw every ounce of blame to everyone else but herself. She never even dare to think through all of it. About her own mistakes. She just justified her mistake by raising the 'friendship betrayal' than the fact about her own infidelity. It was as if her unfaithfulness was nothing compared to Rachel's betrayal. Which was definitely should not be the case. She was blameless, the innocent, the victim -- that was all what Darcy thought she was.

My hate for Darcy was drastically growing every single minute of reading about her attitue. Her selfishness, her ways of getting what she wants, her judgemental perspective, her poisonous dose of competitiveness. Everything about her toxic attitude. Her friendship with Rachel always involved a competition. Her anger about the situation always lies about being the second next to Rachel. That she would never accept that Rachel would be above her. It was pure selfishness. And I despised her for that.

But my hate for her slowly started to fade the moment she decided to change herself. Maybe not because of herself at first, but because she wanted to show Ethan that she can. It was a good start though, having to consider to change even not for herself. But after quite some time, she was genuinely ready to change, not only because of Ethan but also because of her unborn children and herself. I was like a proud mother watching her, slowly but surely, grow. I was starting to loved the new and improved Darcy. Trying to be sensitive, mature and considerate. Trying not to unleash her own self again. I just loved how she became less impulsive. I was just happy on how much she changed a lot, not overnight, but over the course of time. And I am glad because Ethan made a lot of involvement in her changes.

Her romance with Ethan is also something I definitely rooted, maybe more than Rachel and Dex's. Darcy's way of resisting her growing attraction for Ethan, thinking of their friendship. The fact that she didn't imposed her old ways as she always did just to get what she wanted. Her sensibility about her relationship with Geoffrey despite having feelings for Ethan, thinking that ending her relationship with her boyfriend should comes first even if it means hurting him than cheating on him, her mistake she did with Dex. She grew so much about the span of time with Ethan. And I couldn't think of other ways to lead the story other than this. I loved this so much. So much more than Something Borrowed , I think. Maybe because Darcy and Ethan's relationship didn't started out like Rachel and Dex's. That their relationship served as the start of healing process, not as to destroy relationship as what Rachel and Dex's were. I didn't want to compare, but its just the fact that I couldn't deny myself.

And! I so loved Emily Giffin's writing! I loved how she clearly and brilliantly chooses her words. I read a lot of fictional romance/chicklit and it would always take a lot of effort for me to go through it. I was so glad that Giffin's words were uncomplicated that made me immersed into it easily, if you know what I mean.