A review by someonetookit
Orla and the Serpent's Curse by C.J. Haslam


Solid 4.5

First off, look at this damn cover. Its vibrant and feels so expansive – its just so darn beautiful to be honest. Its also part of the reason I requested it because who doesn’t love having pretty things in their bookshelves?

I really loved the MC Orla. She is an almost tween who has been forced on holiday with her family against her will. Her teacher mother is taking the opportunity to get her children to bond while she does mark and the whole thing is just all things family vacation. Until Orla is visited by a mysterious woman in her dreams who directs her to hidden treasure, a woman who has a dark past connected to their Cornish house in the woods. If I were visited by a strange woman invading my dreams, I think I would run crying to my mother begging to go home. Instead with Orla’s inquisitive nature, she goes exploring in the woods and down on the beach with her older brother. Although she is about to undergo a massive ordeal (or at least a massive ordeal to a 12 year old), everything she goes through, she faces with an inner strength, determined to succeed in her quest for knowledge.

So, her brothers exemplify sibling rivalry at its best. When they are arguing over who has to keep their mother occupied, they are banding together to get stuff done. The older brother was probably my favourite of the two. He is a young man who has found an amazing girlfriend during vacation and is determined to impress her regardless of the sheer stupidity of some of his actions. I also loved the angry goth girl that is Raven, trying to find her father’s killer. She is strong, stubborn, and just your average tempestuous teen BUT she definitely comes through when Orla needs her most.

One of the running themes within this novel is that of witchcraft and earth magic. The whole premise of spells cast causing a reciprocity with the environment around the practitioner is woven throughout in such a way that it feels natural. There are portions relating to witchcraft that may cause mild scares in the intended tween audience but for the most part any magic used is very brief.

Now, Orla and the Serpents Curse felt well rounded and is a good introduction to unexpected endings for the intended audience. While I, a 21 plus some year old woman, found it predictable, my twelve year daughter did not. There are moments that caused her to gasp and others that made her cry, a phenomenon I rarely see in her as she too has a cold heart of ice (I’m definitely her mother).

Here is where I feel I really want to point out the intended age group. On the publishers website, this is listed as being intended for children 10+. I feel like 10 is probably a little too young for this one; this was eerie and atmospheric for myself and another parent who has already read it, there is a death and some pretty creepy scenes. Instead I would probably say intended should be that very tween area of around 12 and up (some of the scenes are a little graphic for children, but I could be wrong and maybe other people’s children have already built up a tolerance to violence in books). Also, I want to point out that this is touted as comedic but other than Dave the Dog perspective is super dark. Its creepy and definitely a mildly horror/thriller type novel

So overall I definitely enjoyed this one and so did my daughter. The protagonist is both a strong and independent child but definitely still needs those around her. The supporting cast run the gamut of personalities, but they all fit together into a nice family unit (both blood and found family). Although the blurb says this one is comedic, its actually more a horror type novel with the commentary from Dave the Dog being amusing and breaking up the eerie mood. I feel like maybe it should be aimed at slightly older children but as I said, it cold just be my child who isn’t used to reading this sort of novel. Definitely worth checking out when it releases in Australia next week.

Many thanks to Walker Books for providing me with an advanced reading copy ahead of the novel's official release. The opinions contained within this review are my own and have in no way been influenced by the publisher or its affiliates