A review by bootman
The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money by Bryan Caplan


What's the most important aspect of finishing college: the education or the diploma? Answer: The diploma. As a college dropout who loves to learn, I've been extremely interested in how education is more about signaling than the education, and I finally found someone who wrote a book about it. Once I picked up this book by Bryan Caplan, I couldn't stop reading it. As the title suggests, this is all about the case against education, and it's an interesting perspective because Caplan is an academic at a well-respected university. 

Not only does Caplan dive into numerous studies and statistics, but he also argues his point extremely well from a philosophical stance. I was also shocked at how much we actually spend on education because I thought it was massively underfunded. Now that I know how much we spend and how much teachers still struggle with school supplies and are underpaid, it's even more apparent that the education system needs a massive overhaul. 

On a final note, I'm definitely adding this to the list of books I'm having my son read when he gets to his 2nd or 3rd year of college to help him make a more well-informed decision about his future.