A review by kitsuneheart
Falling Free by Lois McMaster Bujold


A love story to engineers. Bujold gives us the clever space opera we've come to expect, but this time throws so much science and engineering at us that I had to double-check her biography to see if she had some degrees of which I was unaware! She does not, but Bujold has done such great research that I'd be half-tempted to let her build me a starship!

This prequel (of sorts) to the main Vorkosigan Saga looks at the origins of the Quaddies. Created in labs from many different DNA sources, they're considered property, even if they are well-trained by their owners. But when the experiment is suddenly proven unprofitable, losses have to be kept to a minimum, which means nothing good for these human tools. Coming to the rescue is Leo Graf, engineer, who is determined to give the Quaddies their chance to stay in space and gain what has been their human right all alone: freedom.

Not quite so clever and frantic as a Miles book, but satisfying. I wouldn't hand this over as an initial Vorkosigan book to read, but if you've started the series, you need to finish it! ALL of it!