A review by eesh25
Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout


Okay, first thing's first. I know of the similarities between this book and Vampire Academy. I will discuss them afterwards. First, I'll write this book's review.


I like this book. I read it because I wanted to give Jennifer L. Armentrout another chance after the very disappointing Lux series (did not like that one at all) and I'm glad that I did. This is a very good book with an interesting premise and, I know this isn't important, a very pretty cover.

The writing is very good and so are the characters. The book moves at a good pace and you're never bored or contemplating skipping pages. The story is good. The world that she's created could use some work and that is the sole reason for me to not give this book 5 stars (that and because Alex really pissed me off with the sheer stupidity of what she did.
Spoiler going after her mother alone
I'm trying to get over that.

There is nothing particularly wrong with her world. It's just not greek enough. One of the main reasons I chose this book is that it had greek mythology in it. I love greek mythology (Go Percy Jackson!) and I was excited to read more about it. Unfortunately, other than mentioning the gods and talking a bit about greek things, there wasn't much that showed that it had anything to do with greek mythology. There was just talk. No proof.

For example: The powers that the 'pures' had were related to nature. I don't recall any of that to be greek. The author could have made their powers related to the gods. They could have mentioned greek rituals and even greek history lessons. But there was none of that and I was very disappointed. The pures and halfs thing didn't help.

But other than that, this is a great book and I'm glad I picked it up.

Vampire Academy

Now, I've been putting this off but it's inevitable. The similarities between this book and VA are too obvious to be ignored. I'm gonna try to mention the major ones I can think of:

1. The fact that Alex wasn't at school in the beginning and was taken back to the Covenant: The situation is similar but it's also different. Alex didn't choose to leave. She wasn't running from the Covenant and there was actually a good reason provided for her absence from the school. There was also no Lissa. This reason is, therefore, dismissed.

2. Aiden tutoring her to catch up: No debating the similarity. But I will say that Aiden is a more fleshed out character than Dimitri. He's more real. He actually has a personality and I can see the chemistry between him and Alex. I can see why they like each other. So even though they're both instructors, Aiden is not Dimitri. He's very different and less like a piece of furniture (Dimitri has as much personality as a piece of furniture). Aiden is more likable. Also, the forbidden part is actually real. He's a pure, she a half. In VA, the forbidden thing is forced and doesn't make sense half the time. This one does.

3. Pures and halfs: This one actually did get to be. I don't like it. She could have changed at least this part. Like I said, their powers could be related to their godly ancestors or something. But that didn't happen. This was the biggest let-down of the book. I wish this was changed.

Spoiler There was also the almost-had-sex thing.

Everyone noticed the similarities, but did anyone notice how this book is different from VA? Her mom, Seth, the prophecy, the link, her future and the emotional rollercoaster that Alex went through. All those things had nothing to do with VA and that is very important.

Also, I gave VA 2.5 stars. This book is better written, has a better plot, more realistic and relatable characters, is faster and has more of a story and is an overall better read. So you can say that it's stealing but it really isn't. She may have taken quite a few ideas but she untimately improved them. It's like science. You take an earlier periodic table or atom model, find out it's faults, add some things, and improve it. And that is if the author took some ideas. It could have been a coincidence (though, I doubt that).

If would be more believable if someone said that VA was taken from this book but it couldn't ever be as good. I know that's not true. I'm just saying.

If someone asked me if I would rather read VA or Half-Blood, I'd say Half-blood without blinking. I'm sorry if that offends anyone. It's just how I feel. So, if anyone hasn't read VA and can't figure out which one to read. Read this one...