A review by lazygal
The Elephant Keepers' Children by Peter Høeg


I'm giving this 2 stars even though this was a DNF - some readers will enjoy wading through the dense prose, the constant diversions and the overlong sentences more than I did. What I got out of the first 1/4 of the book was this was a world populated by slightly quirky people, with some sort of magical realism going on. Not paranormal, but more psychological magic.

Here's one reason for the DNF: all too often our hero/narrator says "I'll get to that in a moment" or "I'll explain that later" (in much more ornate language). Other reasons? I didn't buy that Tilte was such a force of nature, or that this island was so filled with bizarre people (a Buddhist nun/phone sex guru/computer expert all rolled in one).

ARC provided by publisher.