A review by kaje_harper
Lying with Scorpions by Aleksandr Voinov


Kendras is now the Officer of the Scorpions. And although their numbers are small, and half of them are new, he feels that heart-deep loyalty to his men that has always been the Scorpion way.

Adrastes has claimed the throne of Dalman. And he is once again moving in the halls of power to which he was born and bred. As his lover and bodyguard, Kendras is at his side watching, seeing the machinations and schemes, the plans and power, that are so different from when this man was Kendras' own Officer. Little things begin to rankle, like the way Adrastes still tries to command the Scorpions over Kendras' head. Or his growing revelation of how far his ambitions lie. And while enemies must be dealt with, there is a ruthless streak appearing that Kendras isn't comfortable with.

For Kendras, these are murky days. Scorpions have always had open relationships, lying with whomever they pleased, but loyal to the death in their fighting. Now that he is lover to a king, Kendras isn't sure where he stands. If he looks at another man, will that man be in danger from this new Adrastes? What about when he takes a new Scorpion in with the usual ceremony. The arrival of people with ties to his past, and information about his parents further unsettles him. And he finds himself watching everyone's back, and faces with choices. By the end of the book, his future is only more unclear, when his friends may be enemies, and everything he has loved and counted on is becoming quicksand under his feet.

And excellent gay fantasy read. And the wait for the next book will be too long. Just a few hours now, and it's already too long. Recommended to fantasy-lovers who don't need happy romance endings.