A review by angelreads
Who's Afraid? by Maria Lewis


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I received an e-arc of Who’s Afraid by Maria Lewis from Hachette Australia via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This has in no way included my thoughts and feelings about the book.

I was surprised with this book. I thought it was going to young adult by the synopsis, but it’s not, defiantly not. Once you start reading, you realise that it’s not actually for anyone under the age of 16 at the least. In saying that I did enjoy the book.

Who’s Afraid follows protagonist, Tommi who is stubborn, sarcastic, troublesome however also slightly breakable. After her mother’s death, she travels to New Zealand to find out more about her father and instead find that’s she comes from a line of very powerful and dangerous werewolves and well that she is a werewolf herself.

As she struggles with her new self, she finds out the world she knew wasn’t as it seemed and that her life wasn’t sunshine and daisies.

I am not too sure how I feel about Who’s Afraid. I enjoyed it, it was a good read, but I didn’t love it. I enjoyed the writing style on the other hand I didn’t love how it was changing perspectives. It went from first person to third back to first, I wouldn’t have a problem with it, if I knew that it was happening. I could be reading a scene in first person and then it changed to third person and it confused me.

I actually enjoyed the plot, it was engaging and interesting. There was many twists and turns and things happened that I wasn’t expecting at all. It was a ‘real’ book, nothing was hidden. Gruesome, hideous things happened.

Tommi is one strong girl. She has gone through hell and back. Having to deal with the death of her mother was hard enough, but then she finds out that comes from a powerful line of werewolves, everything else seems to fall apart.

Then there is her dark and mysterious guardian who also happens to be very attractive. Lorcan MacCarthy. He is pretty amazing and perfect to Tommi’s outgoing nature. He is calm, but fierce that fights with swords.

The world building in Who’s Afraid was well written. It was well thought out and it kept on drawing me in. especially with the Praetorian Guard. It was something different and very fascinating. There was a lot going on and somethings that was a bit heavy, it was overwhelming, trying to remember everything and everyone.

I liked the writing style of Maria Lewis, it was engaging and easy to read. There were certain words that were hard to pronounce, but that was easy to go over. Lewis keeps the reader captivated until the end, she makes the reader go in circles.

Who’s Afraid is not for the faint hearted, it’s gruesome and there are deaths all over the place, but it’s an enthralling unban fantasy novel that takes you on a flight of the supernatural, death and romance.

Overall, I really enjoyed Who’s Afraid. It was something different from what I have read before. I am used to Fantasy in Young Adult, this is one of the New Adult novels that I have read that isn’t contemporary. I truly enjoyed and cannot wait to read the rest of the books in the series.