A review by bookish_brain1
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo


Book 2 of this trilogy and Netflix special did not disappoint. I enjoyed it immensely. My critique of the 1st book also applies to this one, the romance aspect is very shallow and one-dimensional. I don't get much from it really, but the action and storyline are very good. It moves quickly, and draws you in. I love how the series doesn't paint good or evil in a binary fashion. It really explores this idea that all of us are capable of great good as well as great evil. I listened to this amazing podcast by Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History on why the Little Mermaid is a terrible film. Disney films in general do not represent diversity well (not to mention the mother is almost always dead), and they present this idea that good things will happen to good people and bad things will happen to bad people and everything can be solved with a bad love story. On the surface, it's a cute film, but when you really explore the themes and the messages that we internalize, it's not good. I recommend the podcast, it's really a fascinating listen and Malcolm is delightful. So I love that Bardugo is able to explore this concept of good and evil in her writing. Also it's just a fun YA fantasy.