A review by assaphmehr
The Weird of the White Wolf by Michael Moorcock


After reading the prequel Elric of Malnibone (see my review), I wanted to read the first original stories, which were collected and published in this volume.

What to Expect

Three swords-and-sorcery novelettes of one of the most famous heroes of fantasy, plus one semi-related short not involving Elric. Moorcock wrote the original stories in the 1960's, and though he revisited Elric throughout the coming decades I wanted to read the original tales.

The first story, The Dreaming City, tells of Elric's revenge and destruction of the culture on which he was raised. This essentially closes the events described in the prequel Elric of Malnobone (written a decade later), but bear in mind it was the first Elric story published and sets to describe Elric and set the scene for his future adventures.

The second is While the Gods Laugh, and is somewhat hallucinogenic (hey, man, it was the 60's). In this Elric meets his long time companion, Moonglum.

The last is The Singing Citadel, exploring more of Elric's patron god, his revenge motivations, and the earthly magic vs truly demonic powers.

What I liked

A lot of what I listed in my review Elric of Malnibone holds true here: the swords & sorcery atmosphere of ennui, the linguistic choices, the cosmology.

What to be aware of

Again, a lot of my previous comments hold true. This is a dated work, written in a style that will deplete the red pen of any any modern editor and will appall modern readers looking for inclusivity.

Felix's Review

Again, Felix agrees with many of Elric's choices. He has the power, and though Elric is bent on revenge and is self-styling himself evil, he mostly used his skills for the greater good.


It's a dated work, and it shows. I'd recommend it for those trying to explore classic Swords & Sorcery, to learn from both the (good) style of storytelling and the (bad) way of handling diversity. At this point, I think I got what I wanted out of it and might take me a while to pick up the other volumes.

[a:Assaph Mehr|14422472|Assaph Mehr|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1596954987p2/14422472.jpg], author of [b:Murder In Absentia|29500700|Murder In Absentia (Felix the Fox, #1)|Assaph Mehr|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1457914061l/29500700._SY75_.jpg|46845657]: A story of Togas, Daggers, and Magic - for lovers of Ancient Rome, Murder Mysteries, and Urban Fantasy.