A review by simplykatherina
These Deadly Games by Diana Urban


This book is everything! I loved All Your Twisted Secrets, and Urban built on all of those elements to craft this amazing story!

I have never been so stressed while reading a book before, I had to take breaks in the middle of chapters just to catch my breath.

The way that Urban flips between past and present times is flawless and happens at the most inconvenient times so you have to keep reading to find out what happens next. This is why she is the queen of cliffhangers.

I loved the way that as a reader you thought you knew what was happening, and then Urban would twist that on its head in the next paragraph.

The whole premise of this book was amazing and I loved every nail biting moment of it. These Deadly Games is the perfect combination of revenge, forgiveness, family, and breaking points. It shows just how far we'll go for the people we love, and that the past can't stay buried forever.