A review by lyakimov
The Dark Days Pact by Alison Goodman


I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. It was an amazing sequel and continuation of the series.

I am actually really digging the complicated situationship that Helen and Carlston have. It was so tense and anticipatory and was done very well without overcrowding the story with romance. I liked Carlston more in this book, and I am glad we have stopped with the cousin-in-law BS.

The Duke was so damn annoying to me. He could never LISTEN!!! EVER!!! He literally shot Darby at the end of the book because he didn’t listen to orders. He is so STUPID, it pissed me off so bad. I’m sad that him and Helen are engaged because he truly does not really understand her and just weasels his way into her life and I’m sick of his annoying ass. I think he just thinks of Helen as Elise and wants to take her away from Carlston because he couldn’t have Elise.

However, I do LOVE the hatred that the Duke and Carlston have for each other because the amount of times they have tried to attack each other and made threatening comments is so ridiculous and I just love the drama. I love how even when Carlston is in his madness state, he always attacks the Duke first. The two of them are so damn petty and it’s hilarious.

I like Helen as a protagonist because she really struggles with societal standards as well as the warring standards of the Dark Days Club. She is TRULY a strong woman with a great relationship to Darby, and I loved the conversation they had about being powerful as women even though it’s so taboo and looked down upon. I wanted more of Darby in this book. We got less of her and more of Hammond, and I like him, but I needed more Darby. Less Duke and more Darby!

I do want to mention, that scene where Helen needs to get her hair shorn to look better in a man’s disguise? I literally cried, it was the most depressing haircut I’ve ever read.

The ending was SO GOOD. The entire fight and exchanges between all the characters, specifically Helen and Carlston, was so entertaining and I was at the edge of my seat.

I do think that this book was a tad bit long, it was slow in some parts but overall it was incredibly enjoyable.