A review by joanna_banana
Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds by Huma Abedin


Overall, I enjoyed listening to Huma Abedin tell her own story in her own words. I especially like hearing about her family and her childhood and early travels and how it shaped who she became. Her early years working in First Lady Hillary Clinton’s White House was really interesting and knowing what scandal she’d eventually face as a newly married woman I wondered if seeing how Hillary managed Bill’s infidelity and lies influenced her. The state department years were also very interesting talking about all her great work around the globe. It was tough to hear about her relationship with Anthony Weiner unravel so quickly. And of course reliving the 2016 loss was painful. I appreciated her perspective and learned a lot about what goes on behind the scenes of high profile politicians. I felt it was a little long and so many tiny details as if she was trying to prove she was a Hillaryland insider? Not sure, at times it worked, other times I needed fewer details on the clothing, paint color, phone calls, and minutiae. Would recommend as the audiobook!