A review by brennooth
The Thing About Tilly by G Benson


I was nervous when I picked up this book. I knew that if it was anything like the other books I've read then my heart would hurt throughout the entire thing. It started hurting halfway through the prologue. And it's one of those books that makes the feeling completely justified. I was unable to put the book down as soon as I had a quiet moment to myself. I spent the entire day reading, ignoring the world around me because Tilly, Evie, Sean and Cal became my world and it was so so easy to just make them your family for the time. The diversity of this friend group is brilliant and I loved every second of it. The humor? Yes, I need more of this, brilliant. I want to have Evie's mum as my mum. Or Tilly's... I'm good either way, really. The relationship between Tilly and Evie... so fragile and yet so strong. Taking one step forward, two steps back. The way Evie was Tilly's support, hell, still is Tilly's support when it comes to her relationship with Laura.. this book was painful and brilliant and I miss them already. I ended up crying more than once and now all that's left is melancholy because I'm done reading and now they're "gone" and I'm sad.