A review by reader4evr
Ten by Gretchen McNeil


First thing I loved the cover of this book. It was simple and too the point. I think it would pull any person even though this book is geared toward teens.

This book was super creepy especially when I was finishing it up last night and reading in my dark apartment!

Not sure if I liked the characters in the story, no one really stood out. I was kind of confused for the first couple of chapters between Meg and Minnie just because there names are so close to each other plus they are friends. The thing that kept me reading was the short chapters especially since each one of them ended with a cliff hanger and also wanting to know who the killer was! I had a couple of ideas of who I thought the murderer was but I was so wrong in the end. When you find out about who the murderer is, it kind of reminded me of a movie that I've seen before. Speaking of murders, I was surprised that only 60 pages into the book, the first murder happened. The description were kind of gross but would totally pull any horror fan into the story.

I haven't read the book And then there were none that this book is based on but I think this would intrigue students or spark their interest in possibly picking up the original after reading this.

Watched the trailer after I read the book and it is a great hook to get students to read it.