A review by kjkbooks
Facing Mighty Fears About Being Apart from Parents by Dawn Huebner, Liza Stevens


I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. I was pleasantly surprised by this book. There was some things that I expected and were good like taking the compassionate approach to why some children fear being apart from parents and the adding of the animal kingdom facts is a great way to engage younger children. But the steps and having the staircase was an amazing way to take a therapeutic process (gradual exposure therapy) and pose it in a way that families can engage with themselves without having  to go to a therapist which many may not even think to try for children just wanting to be with parents. It was also interesting to see how they managed to explain the amygdala and fear response in child appropriate terms as it’s something I didn’t know anything about until i started my studies. 

Favourite Quote:
"For some children, the move toward independence happens smoothly. For others, the process is bumpy."