A review by stuckinafictionaluniverse
The Love That Split the World by Emily Henry


3 1/2 stars
Without a doubt, the best part about this book is the diversity. It talks about being adopted and trying to find yourself, featuring a Native American main character who's graduating high school. There are queer characters, more than one poc character and it tackles a bunch of social issues. As a biracial teenager I related a lot to Natalie. My mom is adopted and even though I wouldn't have it any other way, sometimes you wonder. What if? What if she hadn't come here? What if I hadn't existed? The MC considers all of this which made it feel like more than a typical after-school slump. With the help of a researcher she tries to find out more about her biological mother, while dealing with night terrors and speaking to 'Grandmother' who only exists in her dreams. PLUS time-traveling. It's a lot to take in and sometimes it went over my head with how everything was connected.

As for the worst part.... you knew this was coming. With a title like that, and blurb at the back that says ''Natalie Cleary has to do x to save the boy she loves'', what did you expect? It was a cheese fest. The main character makes it clear that she isn't in love with Beau, yet everything she does points to that. It's them against the world and everything is made to seem so dramatic. Even though the plot is interesting it confused me a lot because the more you read the less you understand.

The love that split the world started out amazing and I really thought this would be one of my favorites of the year. Personally I don't like these genre hybrids, and this was a little too much YA angsty romance combined with confusing time traveling and stories, and not enough of a contemporary feel with these promising characters.