A review by paul_cornelius
Caves of Terror by Talbot Mundy


With Caves of Terror, Talbot Mundy brings a rather dissatisfying end to the Yasmini series. Athelstan King is back once again to renew his complicated rivalry with Yasmini, who, however, disappears for most of the book. Instead, King and his American associate are caught in a labyrinth of caverns underneath a secret Hindu sect's temple. There, they find many wondrous and fearful things and must work to keep them out of Yasmini's hands, as she aspires to worldwide domination.

If this seems all action and no thought, it is. If this seems more like pulp fiction for teenage boys, it is. If this seems too programmed and exploitive of the other books in the series, yes, it is. But at least Akbar the temperamental elephant returns to the series to turn over carts, scare people, and charge automobiles. Maybe Mundy should have written an Akbar series?