A review by deena_
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center


4 stars ☆
A fresh-fun summer read that had my faith retrieved on fake dating trope. This book was a breakaway from those heavy plotted books with even heavier twists and turns. It takes us on a much needed vacation, though some would argue our fiesty FMC Hannah Brooks needed it more anyway to blow off some steam. What can possibly be better than being on that vacation with world famous movie star Jack Stapleton at his family's country house, pretending to be the love of his life in front of his family on an undercover mission? The answer is: Absolutely nothing. Not when we get such great contents out of it or likely in Hannah's words,

“I did have what you could describe as a perfectly normal, nonpathetic, comfortingly mild, not-at-all creepy little crush on him.”

Completely understandable; it's not everyday you get to play the denial game with the fictional cast of Christina Lauren's ultimate hit 'The Unhoneymooners' and be okay with it. I swear, every time they caught themselves having a show stopping cute moment, one would backflip and go like 'just so you know it's for business', I'd die a little death. Jack and Hannah are so adorable that you can't help the urge to pop their 'I don't know what you're talking about' bubble. So to honor our old pal Bobby for old time's sake (Jack's words, not mine), I'm going to rub his own breakup speech on his face.

“One, you work all the time”
Hannah is a workaholic, true, she's the kind of person who'd probably work in their sleep, she buries herself in work to escape life problems to the point her mother had to spend her last breath asking her to take a break. But can we take a moment to appreciate how good she is at her job and how cool that exactly is? She always has a solution to every situation and handles everything like a pro which makes her the best in her field of work as an executive protection agent. We've got to applaud the girl's self control for keeping it together in front of the guy whose every movie she watched and rewatched so many times that she has the lines memorized, in her defense she didn't watch the one where he sacrifices himself to the zombies.

“Two, you're no fun”
I bet the cows and horses on Mrs. Stapleton's farm would find that debatable. She's hilarious and doesn't even know it, she'd crack the funniest joke with her famous 'no nonsense' expression. Her seriousness and Jack's goofiness work together in their own perfect grumpy sunshine way.

“Three, you're a bad kisser”
Tell that to the thousand dollars she lost to Jack betting how she couldn't be any better, and he proved her wrong over and over again; Jack even took it as a personal challenge to change her mind about her favorite movie kiss of all time and replaced it with one of their own.

Quotes I Liked:

“But once you know how terrible the world is, you can’t unknow. No matter how much you might want to.”

“That’s not how this works! If you die in the river, I die in the river! And I really don’t want to fucking die in the fucking river!”

“Strangers can only ever love a version of you. People loving you for your best qualities is not the same as people loving you despite your worst.”

“I feel like I’ve been lost all my life until now—and somehow with you I’m just … found.”