A review by kaydanielsromance
Caught Between Two Billionaires by Skye Warren


I was completely enraptured by this story. Torn in two by the two men in Harper's life. I found myself continually going back and forth between the two, which made for page turning reading late into the night.

The old saying of "the heart wants what the heart wants" played over and over in my mind as Harper was drawn over and over again to a man who seemed to throw her love away, but the more Harper dug into the actions surrounding her life, the small things, Christopher had loved her for a long time, he just never said it. Christopher is a definite dark horse throughout the entire journey. Just when you begin to like him he does something that turns your like into dislike instantly. I kept wondering why Harper kept going back for more of his cool personality, aside from the fact that she grew up with men just like him and she was accustomed to that very thing, but perhaps that is why she was also drawn to his business partner, Sutton Mayfair. 

Sutton is a man who is upfront and in your face with his feelings and wants. You knew exactly where he was coming from especially when it came to Harper. He may have held other secrets, but I think when it came to Harper he is forthcoming, honest and that is why we are so drawn to him. He tells her exactly what he wants from her emotionally and physically which is something she isn't exactly used to, but she finds refreshing. Not only from his sunshine good looks that scream warmth, but to his welcoming personality. Harper has never really had a man in her life that has welcomed her with open arms and wanted to keep her by his side.

This is why is torn between them.  How do you break your hearts poisonous cycle of loving a man who doesn't want to love you back and begin loving a man who only wants to openly love you? How do you rip yourself away from between the two of them when you also don't want to give up the dark poison or the radiate sunshine, but you also know you can't have both?

This complete duet of Caught Between Two Billionaires makes great reading so you are not caught waiting between cliffhangers of the individual stories and you are able to jump right into the next story with ease. If you haven't read TRUST FUND, SURVIVAL OF THE RICHEST or THE EVOLUTION OF MAN now is the time.