A review by angelarenea
The Misadventures of Grumpy Cat and Pokey, Volume 1 by Royal McGraw, Elliott Serrano, Ben Fisher, Ken Haeser, Ben McCool, Steve Uy, Tavis Maiden, Agnes Garbowska


This review is posted on my blog!

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley from Diamond Book Distributors, so thank you very much to them!

This was not quite what I expected, although after revisiting the NetGalley page it made more sense. It is actually classified as 'Children's Fiction'. I was expecting more of the ironic internet meme type of Grumpy cat, where this was a very juvenile, Grumpy cat who actually reminded me a lot of Garfield. There were a lot of stories in this comic and I think it would be perfect for a young reader maybe in the 8-12 range. For me, however, I found it a little bit tedious. The art was wonderful, and had so many different feels that really brought the stories to life. I probably won't continue on in this series, but I would recommend young readers consider picking this up!

Did you ever pick up a book, only to find it's geared for a completely different age group?