A review by lattelibrarian
Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir by Liz Prince


What an awesome memoir!  Discussing childhood, gender, friendships, relationships, and fitting in, Tomboy seems to have it all.  With Prince's cartoonish illustration style and knack for creative narratives, she creates a graphic memoir that's absolutely wonderful.  It's serious, it's humorous, it's uplifting.  She doesn't take anything too incredibly seriously, and alternatively, not too humorously.  It's all a perfect fit in which others can find themselves and learn from.  

It's just great for all ages, and for those who loves graphic novels, and memoirs.  It's great for those wanting to learn more about gender, and great for those who just want a good coming of age read.  This book is a taco of many toppings--there's sure to be something for everyone in here!

Review cross-listed here!