A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Yours to Keep by Claudia Burgoa


When I saw that Claudia Burgoa was coming out with another MM I was excited to get my hands on it. It was book 6 in a series of MF books, but I was informed it could stand alone. After reading it I am not so sure about that. I felt very lost in the beginning. Everything was happening so fast, I got a bit confused. I felt I needed more background information going in, especially when it came to WHY Vance and his family had to be in Bakers Creek. I mean I sort of figured it out from putting together context clues, but the author didn't confirm my thoughts until well past midway.

The suspenseful beginning aside, I did like the romance between Dare and Vance. Dare was a fun character. He's obviously brilliant as he is a neurosurgeon, but he is flirty and funny too. I liked that he was quick to smile, while Vance was Mr. Broody. Opposites tend to attract and these two are just that. The only thing they really have in common when they start out is that they both aren't interested in a happily ever after situation with each other.

This all changes when Dare and Vance start spending more and more time together. With a fake relationship to throw Dare's nosey mother and sisters off the scent, it quickly morphs to a FB situation added in. It was kind of hilarious because in my eyes both Dare and Vance were in a committed relationship for months, all while both of them were in complete denial. They had so many excuses why everything was really just "casual" and it was actually surprising how long it took them to figure it out. In fact, there was so much protesting that I felt it was sort of abrupt when the book ended with their HEA.

The mystery aspect side plot was pretty intriguing and I greedily collected the clues until the truth was revealed. There is a lot going on in this book with a romance and a few different sub plots. Again, I do think this book would be better enjoyed having read the rest of the series. I also wish there was more on page steam. There was a lot of flirty teasing going on that I guess I expected a bit more than mostly fade to black.

3.5 stars

* I received an ARC of this book in exchange for honest and unbiased review *