A review by terhangus
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline


3.5, and the .5 was for the good plot and worldbuilding (my breath totally got caught on my throat when the line
SpoilerAnd then we all died.

most of the times i just wanted to shake wade & halliday (god especially halliday) so that they could view the women they were in love/infatuated with were actually, you know, real breathing humans instead of referring them as the 'female sex' and deliberately dehumanizing them. their attitude was kinda better than most geeks irl but it wasn't enough!!! i still felt so icky reading it!!!

the only reference i got was totally just voltron. and it just reminded me how i should probably watch the blade runner soon

it was good! but the whole dudebro vibes i was getting could probs be fixed