A review by yeimyaileen
Finale by Stephanie Garber


this book is actually so funny.  the caraval series is a fever dream, and something i could never imagine being adapted into a movie or tv show because every dress they wear is the most beautiful and impossible textile achievement the world has ever seen.  tella and scarlett have NEVER worn an dress that was just cute.  they were gorgeous showstopping amazing made out of butterflies and cream satin and velvet flowers.  

- this book is SO REPETITIVE.  which is awful for an audiobook... like when tella heard about the obsession not love story from the luck fate, she repeated it THREE TIMES! and she just repeated it again and again...
- which would make you think she would drop legend cause he cant love her right? wrong!  like this series would have been so cool if tella just had let both jacks and legend go, because essentially they both try to manipulate her feelings all the time...
- i actually dont care aboout scarlett and julians relationship
- HOWEVER, the seeing feelings as color coming back in a really significant way?? honestly very cool of stephanie garber.  i thought that marcello dragna was gonna reappear but when we learned about scarlett's real father? a slay!  
- i think this series places an unnecessary emphasis on the power of love.  
- i always forget the mothers name.  my brain is like prophet the dreamer? paladium the dreamer?  also why is no one else named like that?