A review by ninetalevixen
Top to Bottom by Delphine Dryden


I appreciate the representation, though I don't totally agree with the way it's presented: sexuality isn't defined by your current partner, so it's not accurate to say a character is "sometimes bisexual but mostly lesbian"; it's also mentioned that there's some tension because the bisexual lead is also a switch (including one instance, although challenged in-text, where the other alludes to her finally "admitting her true identity" or something like that), which is never really resolved. The plot also wraps up too quickly and neatly, which makes it difficult to invest in the characters or their story.

content warnings:
Spoilerexplicit sexual content, graphic BDSM, precanon loss of loved ones

Spoilerhomoromantic demisexual MC, bisexual switch MC, F/F main romance, minor M/M relationships, past polyam relationship

CONVERSION: 8.4 / 15 = 3 stars

Prose: 6 / 10
Characters & Relationships: 6 / 10
Emotional Impact: 4 / 10
Development / Flow: 4 / 10
Setting: 7 / 10