A review by rsr143
The Surrender Experiment: My Journey Into Life's Perfection by Michael A. Singer


The mark of an outstanding book is that time flies when you read it and you are left pondering it for hours after you finish. I read this book in three sittings over two days. I didn't want it to end! This book will challenge your pre-conceived notions about what it means to be successful achieve big things in the world. Is life something we must "dominate" and "conquer" or is it fundamentally supportive for us? How much of our life and success is up to us? How can we get out of our own way and let life take us where it may (and if we do what will happen)?

This book is the profound (true) story of one man's quest to life live fully, from the place of surrender. You can't imagine what happens as a result. I was not a big fan of the author's other (more popular) book, "The Untethered Soul" as it was repetitive and bland. This book, however, is gripping from start to finish.