A review by theeditorreads
Midnight Abduction by Nichole Severn


Since I started reading this series, I was waiting for a list of 'Cast of Characters' at the beginning of the book. This one had it while the previous ones did not, I wonder why. It is a feature usually present in all of the Harlequin Intrigue books.

Ana Sofia was mentioned once somewhere at the end of Book Two - [b:Secret Investigation|52610660|Secret Investigation (Tactical Crime Division #2)|Elizabeth Heiter|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1582666121l/52610660._SX50_SY75_.jpg|73675472], of the Tactical Crime Division Series. Now we get to read Ana Sofia Ramirez's full story. I had said in the review of the previous book about missing Evan and here he is, as a partner who works with Ana and JC when a building contractor's six-year-old twins are kidnapped.

The story starts with a prologue where an injured man is out searching for his kidnapped kids, his only family. And when he specifically requests for Agent Ana, who specialises in searching for missing persons, Director Jill Pembrook of the Tactical Crime Division sends her to Sevierville, Tennessee, to look for the missing kid.

But Ana is in for a shock when she comes to know that the said kids are of none other than Benning Reeves', a former lover. A building inspector by profession, his kids were taken from his house in the middle of the night.

However many romantic suspense stories I have read, I'm always impressed by the author making it a wholesome story. The teasing banter in the midst of all the seriousness, the romance, was a much-needed relief from the nail-biting tension. What was also funny was Ana's colourful swearing in Spanish, more so because I've been learning Spanish from Duolingo for a month now.

The resilience of the protagonists is admirable. Even after they go through hell, they still march on with the injuries they keep on enduring. I loved Ana and Olivia's camaraderie, especially the mini investigator that Olivia turned out to be.

Evan and JC revealing a bit more about the workings of TCD were illuminating. While I've read plenty of badass heroines in [a:Nichole Severn|5763145|Nichole Severn|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1544285676p2/5763145.jpg]'s previous books, this one was extra special since it had a comparatively ordinary hero and the heroine packed a mean punch.

The ending was so cute! And it was a perfect conclusion to the story, especially the totally unexpected identity of the kidnapper.

Thank you to the author for an e-ARC of the book.

P.S. Special mention for the diverse set of characters in this series. There are Latinos, Hispanics, African-Americans, in all a fair representation all throughout the series. I can't wait for the concluding book, Cindi Myer's [b:Running Out of Time|48920861|Running Out of Time|Cindi Myers|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1584991569l/48920861._SY75_.jpg|74318975].

The other books by the author that I have read and also recommend are:
Blackhawk Security Series
Rules In Blackmail | Rules in Rescue | Rules in Deceit | Rules in Defiance | Caught in the Crossfire | The Line of Duty
Blackhawk Security Novella
Search and Rescue | Search and Protect | Rules in Revenge | Search and Defend | Search and Pursue
Marshal Law Series
The Fugitive | The Witness