A review by maddiesreading23
Unravel Me by Becka Mack


"You didn't throw my whole world off balance. You centered it. It was like you were my gravity, and every moment I was with you, everything settled into place. My fears, my insecurities, my hopes, and my dreams. I was at peace with everything, as long as you were by my side."

did this book have me giggling and squealing, crying and screaming? Absolutely. Would I live through it all again? Most definitely.

Adam and Rosie are Connor are the sweetest little loves ever - their love story is absolute perfection! The gentle love, the constant reassurance and support, the found family of it all! perfection upon perfection <3

"You guys are here for me?"
"Where else would we be?" Archie asks.
Cara smiles. "We're family, Rosie. We show up for each other."

I forget just how much I truly love this Vipers family until I'm back with them but my goodness did I miss them so much! This book had so much Vipers family content and I was so happy, it made so much sense to have them be such a significant part of Adam and Rosie's journey because they are Adam's family, and by extension they're Rosie's family. I love how supportive everyone is of Adam and Rosie and Connor, and that they all try to help both Adam and Rosie with their insecurities/worries about dating, falling in love and their self-worth. Emmett and Cara being their usual horny sassy husband and wife duo is fabulous as always, Carter in his dad era will never not be iconic, Jax in his cat dad era will forever be famous, and Garrett and Jennie riling Carter up at every opportunity by talking about their sexual endeavours is so fucking funny I was struggling to breathe at times i love this family so much!

AND LET'S ALL JUST TAKE A MOMENT OF LOVE AND APPRECIATION FOR PIGLET AND BEAR! I love their role in this story, and I love Connor meeting Bear so much! I was so freaking nervous towards the end with Bear there I was ready to riot at Becka if she took my sweet boy but thankfully not !

Jaxon also really got his moments in this book and I was so here for it. I liked him in both previous books but I feel like we got a little more depth with this book and I liked it, it makes me that much more excited for his book next! I love his scenes with Rosie, and how he goes to bat for Adam - he's such a wonderful friend and I loved seeing more of this side of his character <3

"You are the most beautiful, kind, and thoughtful man on this planet. My heart is already yours."

ADAM MY LOVE!!! Just when I thought this man couldn't get any more perfect, he steps right into dad mode and accepts and loves Rosie and Connor so effortlessly. Seeing Adam's journey of learning and trusting in his self-worth was one of my favourite parts of this book - Courtney did such a number on him and I was so happy to see him not let her have an effect on his life any longer and choose to trust in the love Rosie has for him.

AND ALL THE DATES HE PLANS!? SWOON! I love the picnic, the fairy lights in the trees, the sunset under a blanket together; Adam's so damn cute I love him so much. And the way he so readily accepts Connor as a part of his and Rosie's relationship is one of my favourite things, especially given how nervous Rosie was to tell Adam she was a mum - I just loved how he welcomed Connor into his life without hesitation, and how quickly and deeply he loved that little boy. AND ADAM WITH LILY!!! Those were without a doubt my favourite moments, and I was so glad that Lily found her family <3

'It's not that I feel less fractured with Rosie, but that the light streams in anyway, between all the shattered pieces left behind. I find beauty there, a sense of peace that tells me good things are waiting.'

ROSIE MY SWEET ANGEL BABY! I wanted to wrap Rosie up in my arms and protect her from the world, she does not deserve half the shit she's gone through. Rosie is such a wonderful mother, and I love seeing her relationship with Connor. Archie and Marco are the best friends ever, I love their little family so much <3 Brandon is such a dick I was so glad to see him get what he deserves!

Rosie's strength is just so so beautiful, and how hard she works to support her son and get her education is truly so admirable and relatable - As a woman raised by a single mama, Becka did such a wonderful job with the single mum representation <3

I love seeing Rosie trust in Adam and their relationship, and not letting Courtney or anything else get in the way. She and Adam have a few bumps along the way, but the trust and strength that grows in their relationship is one of my favourite things in this book!

AND THE TREE CARVINGS Y'ALL MY HEART COULDN'T HANDLE IT! Get you a man that helps you find the tree your parents carved your initials into, plants your favourite flowers around said tree, and then takes you to see the bridge you were supposed to see with your parents before they passed.

Seriously, Becka set the bar so high with Adam Lockwood, and with Adam and Rosie's relationship. This book was utter perfection <3