A review by tashalostinbooks
Love is the Cure: On Life, Loss, and the End of AIDS by Elton John


I received this book free from Goodreads' first reads.

I entered to win this book because it was written by Elton John, and I LOVE ELTON JOHN! I don't know anyone with AIDS and know no more about it than the average person. This book was eye opening.

The first chapter made my cry. Really hard. I was unsure about the book after that because I don't really like to cry, and I didn't want to read a depressing book. And while this book was sad at times, it was mostly hopeful and inspirational. I learned so much. I learned that AIDS is not the death sentence it once was. Also, unlike other major diseases today, it is possible to completely eradicate even without a cure or vaccine. We just need to care enough. Hence "Love is the Cure."